BraveGen Academy - BraveGen

Our new brand!

Written by Lincoln Watson | Aug 26, 2021 2:07:08 AM

The rebrand reflects ESP’s mission to help Kiwi businesses, and property owners reduce carbon emissions and utility costs.

We are really pleased to announce our new brand, one that better aligns with, and showcases the full suite of Efficiency, Sustainability and Performance services we provide to clients. With a goal of providing businesses a fully integrated range of utility and carbon reduction products and services, our new branding cements the company’s long-standing leadership in environmental sustainability through decarbonisation and energy management. The rebrand includes a new name, a new logo and a new website – available at The shortened name, ESP will remain, but will stand for Efficiency, Sustainability and Performance.

“Over the last few years, we’ve changed a lot. Our energy and water efficiency services have grown stronger than ever and we’ve expanded further into the broader sustainability space with our carbon and utility management Software as a Service platform and consulting services. Many know us already as ESP, but as we work with more businesses, we wanted to be clear about what we do by repositioning the brand around Efficiency, Sustainability and Performance.” – Lincoln Watson, ESP, CEO.

Continuous innovation and market leading productivity and user experiences.

In addition to its new graphic identity and fresh new website, ESP’s rebrand incorporates the heightened range of capability and features provided by its intelligent analytics platform, ESP Hub. Exciting developments made possible by the investment made in ESP last year by New Zealand Green Investment Finance. The funding is helping ESP accelerate services development, continue to grow, and lead the decarbonisation and energy management sector in New Zealand.

“ESP has long been an advocate for the use of technology in the carbon and energy management industry. We are investing heavily to deliver market-leading value, great customer experiences and innovation using the cloud, machine learning and the Internet of Things. We recently released New Zealand’s first energy management machine learning bot, called Clive. Clive analyses the 1.5million data points we gather every day from sensors in buildings – far more than any human could – to identify waste and inefficiency in utility consumption. These innovations are allowing our clients to save time and focus on delivering the sustainability actions that make a difference,” says Lincoln.

ESP has worked with 150+ of New Zealand’s leading organisations to help them achieve auditable energy and carbon emission reduction. The rebrand reinstates ESP’s breadth of experience and technology across utility usage and costs, decarbonisation, energy efficiency, and NABERSNZ ratings. If you’re interested in learning more about how ESP can help your organisation understand utility costs, reduce carbon emissions and adopt positive sustainability action, head to the new ESP website or contact button below.

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